People wear masks everyday.  Some tangible like make-up and clothing, some come from within like courage or fear.  Some are as temporal as a bottle of beer and some we grow into like a relationship.  The masks we choose to wear are a result of a lifetime of outer influences and reflect our inner realities.  Masks often represent the act of hiding, but human expression has the alternative effect of revealing identity.  

As a New Yorker, the city’s architecture informs everything we do from where we work, eat, sleep, and socialize, in short, our daily and accumulated lives.  Manhattan’s 2,872 blocks of intricately constructed stone, steel, and glass only hint at the indefinitely complex inner workings of the city.  Inside this network of architecture it's the people that pulse through the arteries of subways and streets, maintaining the life force of the man-made organism we call a modern city.  In this way, we are as much a part of the city as the structures themselves.

All photography used in this series was made personally in the New York City area.